Edison Best Decks

Best Edison Format Decks

Edison Format Best Decks Pie Chart

Best Edison Format Decks (statistically)


Shown here are the Best Edison Format Decks from large-scale tournaments (typically with at least 100 players).
Included events are RBET, EWCQ, DDEV, HRCX, BEAK. You can view the exact lists in the Event Archive.

Usually, the best Edison Format Decks for any tournament are Blackwing, Vayu Turbo, and Hybrid (Vayu-Blackwings). These three add up to about 40% of the metagame.
Decks like Diva Zombie, Diva Hero Beat, Hero Beat, Hero Frog, commonly top tournaments but do not win as frequently Cumulatively, the hero control decks are about 20% of the metagame (including Hero Frog).
"Other" includes decks such as Dragon Turbo, which are playable at the highest level, but infrequently top events This is usually about 10% of the metagame.

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