Edison Discords

Main Edison Format Discord Servers

Format Library Discord

Format Library

Format Library is the home of not only Edison, but all retro formats.
The Edison World Championship is hosted by this server.

EdisonFormat.com Discord


A server dedicated to Edison Format, with dedicated channels for all the Edison Decks.
The Deck Devastator tournaments are hosted by this server.

War League Discord

War League

Join a team and defeat other teams for ultimate glory.
The Beastmode Circuit Series is hosted by this server.

kegan discord

Really Big Yugioh Discord

Youtuber keegan's discord server.
The RBET events are hosted by this server.

EdisonFormat.net Discord


This website's support server.
This isn't for Edison discussion; it's just for website feedback.

stardust dragon

Stardust Community

Cozy community server revolving around the Edison Format.



An Italian server hosting the IML Regional Chapionships,
with "1Shot" Prize-Card Tournaments every 2 days.

Smaller Discord Servers

feel good gaming

E&T Collectibles

An Online and Brick-n-Mortar Game Store.
Offers online and IRL tournaments with card prizing.

feel good gaming

Feel Good Gaming

An MDVA-based yugioh server (primarily Edison).
Offers online and IRL tournaments with card prizing.

gauntlet gaming james arc

Gauntlet Gaming

Youtuber james arc's Discord Server.
Good prize payouts and occasional freeroll tournaments.


Neo Space

Youtuber Karpath's discord server.

Tournament Nexus

Tournament Nexus

Tournament centered community for the formats of Edison and Tengu Plant with a focus on the latter.