Edison-Accurate PSCT:
① can't be destroyed by battle.
② After resolving an effect that targets this face-up card on the field, destroy this card.
③ If this card inflicts Direct Battle Damage:
Your opponent discards 1 random card.
Card Information:
This card has an effect that activates in Substep 5 of the Damage Step.
300 ATK / 200 DEF | Zombie / Effect | DARK | LV3
Spirit Reaper is Limited in Edison Format
Edison Rulings:
● This must be face-up after the targeting card resolves in order to be destroyed.
(If the targeting card’s activation is negated, this card is not destroyed).
(If the targeting card’s effect is negated, this card is still destroyed).
● This card will be destroyed by its ② effect even if targeted by a continuous effect.
(Such as an Equip Spell Card, or by “Call of the Haunted”).