Edison-Accurate PSCT:
① If this card is flipped face-up: Target 1 face-up monster on the field; destroy that target.
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This card has an effect that activates in Substep 6 of the Damage Step.
0 ATK / 1900 DEF | Aqua / Effect | WATER | LV3
Snowman Eater is Unlimited in Edison Format
Edison Rulings:
● The ① triggers when this card is flipped face-up, so it will trigger when attacked while face-down, when flipped face-up by a card effect, or when Flip Summoned.
● This effect does not say 'You can', so it is a mandatory effect. If Snowman Eater is Flip Summoned and there are no other face-up monsters on the field, it must still activate and must target itself.
● If this Set card is attacked, and is destroyed by that battle, this card can't target itself.
● If the target isn't face-up when this effect resolves, it is not destroyed. You can read more about that here: