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Edison Rulings for Armory Arm

Edison-Accurate PSCT:

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuners
① Once per turn: You can choose 1; ● Target 1 monster on the field; equip this card to that target.
● Unequip and Special it in Attack Position.
② That equipped monster gains 1000 ATK.
③ If that monster destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the GY:
Your opponent takes damage equal to their destroyed monster’s ATK on the field.

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Card Information:

This card has an effect that activates in Substep 7 of the Damage Step.

1800 ATK / 1200 DEF | Machine / Synchro | LIGHT | LV4

Armory Arm is Unlimited in Edison Format

Edison Rulings:

● The ③ effect will trigger even if that monster is no longer in the GY when it resolves.
● You can equip this card to an opponent's monster. If you do, and that opponent's monster destroys your monster by battle, your opponent takes the damage (Arm is still your card, in your Spell/Trap Zone).
● If control of the equipped monster is changed, this card does not change control.
● The damage dealt it equal to the atk of the monster on the field.
If "Tragoedia" is destroyed, damage will be dealt equal to its atk on the field.

Edison Rulings for Armory Arm