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Caius the Shadow MonarchCaius the Shadow MonarchCaius the Shadow MonarchDark Armed DragonDupe FrogDupe FrogFlip Flop FrogGorz the Emissary of DarknessJunk SynchronJunk SynchronJunk SynchronRaiza the Storm MonarchRaiza the Storm MonarchRaiza the Storm MonarchSubstitoadSubstitoadSubstitoadSwap FrogSwap FrogSwap FrogTragoediaTreeborn FrogTreeborn FrogUnifrogBrain ControlEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerHeavy StormMystical Space TyphoonOne for OnePot of AvaricePot of AvariceScapegoatUpstart GoblinUpstart GoblinUpstart GoblinMirror ForceRaigeki BreakThreatening RoarThreatening Roar
Cyber DragonCyber DragonD.D. CrowD.D. CrowD.D. CrowVanity's FiendVanity's FiendVanity's FiendMy Body as a ShieldSoul ExchangeBottomless Trap HoleBottomless Trap HoleDust TornadoDust TornadoTrap Dustshoot
Chimeratech Fortress DragonAlly of Justice CatastorAlly of Justice CatastorArmory ArmBlack Rose DragonBrionac, Dragon of the Ice BarrierColossal FighterFlamvell UruquizasGoyo GuardianJunk WarriorMagical AndroidMist WurmStardust DragonThought Ruler ArchfiendX-Saber Urbellum

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