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Edison Rulings for Koa'ki Meiru Drago

Edison-Accurate PSCT:

① Neither player can attempt to Special Summon LIGHTs and DARKs.
Ⓜ During your End Phase, destroy this card,
unless you send 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" from your hand to the GY, or reveal 1 Dragon in your hand.

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Card Information:

1900 ATK / 1600 DEF | Dragon / Effect | WIND | LV4

Koa'ki Meiru Drago is Unlimited in Edison Format

Edison Rulings:

● While the ① is applying, "Future Fusion" can't be activated unless a non-LIGHT/DARK is revealed from the Extra Deck.
● While the ① is applying, "Future Fusion" can't Special Summon a LIGHT-DARK monster during the second Standby Phase. In this case, the Fusion Monster will never be Special Summoned (it won't "try again" the next Standby Phase).
● The Ⓜ is a Maintenance Cost. It does not activate, and can't be negated.
● If Iron Core can't be sent to the GY (EG if "Macro Cosmos" is applying), and no Dragon can be revealed, this card is destroyed.
● If "Mind on Air" is applying, you can't reveal a Dragon, so you must send an Iron Core to the GY or else destroy this card.
● If this card is destroyed by battle, its effect stops applying in Substep 6 (“Tragoedia” can't be activated)

Edison Rulings for Koa'ki Meiru Drago